Monday, June 27, 2011

6-17-2011 meetting with police in mission

We the guardian Angels went to have a meeting with the police today.It is nice to know that we have them on ours side out here.we met at HQ at 3pm to head that way.we did prebief than headed out.

We posted up outside of HQ to start the day we marched out to 5 th street to get on the 14 bus line to head down to 15th street.

Chapter leader Lion

We march from 15th to the police station we stop along the way to talk to some of the ppl and see what they know about what is going on.

We march down to the p0olice station,

We made it to the police station.This station is the one for the Mission Dist.

Lion was talking to the capt. of the mission we have wanted to meet with him for sometime now.

our pic with the capt.

We need to do some patroling today so we march down to to Mission street and post up around 16th street and just see what we can see out today.

Well today patrol was great we had to end the day and we got alot done today so happy that we all got to go out safe and come back just the same.We took the 14 bus line back to HQ to do debief and fsend everyone home to there family

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