Wednesday, May 27, 2009

5/21/09 Tenderloin Community Meeting

May 21st 2009, we the SFGA had a community meeting at 201 TURK ST. with all the tenants of this building. We believe the meeting went well, the turn out could of been better, and there were some language problems. Our contact person was Kate, she is the one who set up this meeting for the tenants to be more organized, to be more safe in there community that they live in.

As the SFGA got up to talk to the concern tenants, we advised them that we are going to watch and patrol there building as much as we can, we advised them to be more observant of their surroundings, and to report crime activity they see to there manager, police, or the guardian angels. As I (J.D.) remember talking to this group of people, I saw a lot of children, children that want a chance in life, children that want a role model, and I felt a good feeling about being there, talking about safety, talking about matters, and saying that we do care because we are the GUARDIAN ANGELS. As the meeting began to end we did answer questions, and we did pass out our flyers that we hand out, we did not want to leave until whole the meeting was over. I do wish we could attend more meetings like this one because this gets the word out, that we are here and we are going to help out in anyway, the GUARDIAN ANGELS. (J.D.)

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