Saturday, October 16, 2010

Volunteering With St. Anthony Foundation 9/26/10

Sunday September 26th 2010, we the San Francisco Guardian Angels will be working with the Saint Anthony Foundation today. This was an idea from one of our angels, and he also works for the Saint Anthony Foundation. The Saint Anthony Foundation helps out so many people in San Francisco, and they have helped this city in so many ways. To do our service for this Foundation we had to be put on a schedule, and when our day came up we would show up and do the job. We as angels are ready, we all arrived at the HQ, we will not wear full uniform today, we will wear our Colors and our Barets today only for this service.

We then march over to the Foundation, at the Foundation we get our orientation, we get job assignments, and we will switch jobs as needed. For this service, we will be serving food to the homeless, the poor, the veterans, the elderly, the addicts, and for thousands of people that come there to the Foundation to eat.

Our jobs are, to fold napkins, to bring food trays to people at the tables who are handicap, to pick up trays that are finished at the tables, to clean the tables that are dirty, and any other things that is needed.

As for the people that we mighte run into, we where thinking about this as well. We did not know if we would see the ones that would say, you are the angels that took my drugs, you are the angels that took my crack pipe, you are the angels that put me in jail. But if that had happened, we would know what to do and we would not push it any further.

This is a place to come to eat and it is provided by this Foundation, as Guardian Angels we did do our best to do this job. Normally we do patrols, we do events, we do festivals and we do training. But for this service it felt good, it was different, it was exciting, and it was something we had never done before in our chapter as Guardian Angels.

As this day ended, the Foundation Thanked Us, we said our goodbyes, and we marched back to the HQ. We got back to the HQ, we did a debrief, there was alot of things was said from there hearts, on how we had been there to eat at times of our lives. Thank You Angels For Doing This Service!

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