Next Electra marches the teams to the bus stop, we get on bus #14, we get to our stop, this stop is 18th & Mission, we post up, it is All Clear. This patrol will be about the same tour as we always do, we march to 24th street BART STATION first and post up, there was some activity about to start between two females, they were wanting to fight but we were not going to let that happen \ it is now All Clear. We then check Travis Alley \ it is All Clear, we check out Alioto Park / it is All Clear, we check out Kid Power Park \ it is All Clear.
Next we march down to our two favorite alleys (Hunter's Alley & Lover's Lane Alley) now we have something \ a few dirty needles to put into our Bio-Containers \ now it is All Clear. Last but not least, we march to 16th street BART STATION and post up, most everyone always seems to take off when they see the Guardian Angels, the reason being; they're dealing drugs and they know we will do something about it, but that is cool because we have calmed down things a little bit \ now it is All Clear.
Next Electra decides to call it a day, even though it is what it is for the day to turn out with little action. We get on bus #14 to head back to the HQ, we get off at our stop, this stop is 6th & Mission, we march to the HQ, we get to the HQ right on schedule. Next we begin debrief, this will take some time because there were so many of us today for patrol, and everyone has to put a word in about the patrol today (this is debrief). As observers, Greencard did see gang bangers following team one for a few blocks, he did call the team in time, but be advised you have to stay focused, because this can be dangerous.
Observer J.D. I think Electra did a very good job for a very big patrol, and she will be leading more patrols in the future. As for the Contra Costa Chapter, we were very excited to see them join the San Francisco Chapter today for patrol, to give them training, to give them support, and to invite them back anytime for our patrols.
We wish to Thank their Chapter and their Chapter Leader (Spider) for a patrol well done!
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