We met at HQ at 6pm and was heading out by 7pm had a big turn out for this patrol and it was time to hit up the mission and see what was going on out there.SPARKY AND JD will be leading this patrol.

Three of our members that had left joined us again. Dare Devil, Dragon, and Hawk Eye. One of our members got his safety Good Job Bob Cat.

Looking around finding needles on the street we pick them up and get them off the street.

Sparky team was posted up watching JD team back.

We seen some smoke on mission street around 19th or 20th JD team went one way and Sparky team went the other way. we found the smoke and people had call about the smoke we found out it was someone cooking.

This was Sparky right hand guy on this patrol. Thank you ICE MAN!

The team was going down the ally check it out and making sure there is nothing going on in the allys we all know that the drug dealers like to go in allys to hide and user like to use in ally.

We got bacck to HQ around 11pm to do debief

We like to thank everyone for coming out on this patrol.great job by both teams
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