Saturday July 18th, 2009 today we patrol the Mission District. We all meet at the HQ at 10:00am to begin our day, we change into our uniforms and then we are ready for pre-brief. There will be only one team, I J.D. will lead this team and Scorpion will be my tail, this means he will be at the end of the team watching our backs. We are a team of 9 Angels, and we will only use 2 radios for communication today for the Mission Dist. As we start to head to the bus stop, a bus stops and a bus driver yells out at us to stop and that he needed our help.
We boarded the bus and saw a drunk that was so intoxicated that he did not want to go anywhere but to stay on the bus as long as he could. The bus driver asked us to please escort this guy off his bus and we did, we help him off the bus and then we move on. We caught the #14 bus to the Mission Dist. we got to 16th street and posted up at the BART station on the corner for awhile, all clear. Next we hit Hunter's Alley picked up few needles but no bad guys, then we hit Lover's Lane Alley picked up a few needles but no bad guys, then we checked out Kid Power Park, all clear. Now we march up Mission Street to our next spot, the Alioto Park it has a beer drinker there but we pour out his beer and he leaves.
We get back to Mission Street to march to the 24th street BART station, we get there and post up for awhile, all clear. Now we hit Travis Alley, pick up a few needles but no bad guys, next we began our march back down to 16th street BART station. Before our march we meet up with SFFD and we talk a bit. These guys save people’s lives every day, THANK YOU SFFD. We march down Mission Street without any problems until we get there on 16th street. There are a few drunks drinking alcohol we asked them pure it out or take it some were else and they did, next we posted up for awhile. The patrol was coming to an end, we caught the #14 bus back to our HQ, changed back into our street clothes, and did our debrief. This was a very good day because we felt as though we did something, we did because we DARE TO CARE.
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